Spongebob and Patrick think…

What is the web still good for? 🤔

A short stack exploring what the web could be on our now ubiquitous mobile devices.

22 cards, published on April 9, 2018.

The web is for everyone.

Not just for everyone to consume…

…but to create.

But these days, creating the web is primarily the domain of professionals.

Who use tools that are incredibly versatile, but have a high barrier to entry.

(This is the last XKCD comic… we promise!)

Meanwhile, mass-market tools are made for everyone, but often strictly define what you can create.

"Twitter and Facebook are like AOL in the old pre-web days. They are run by companies who are committed to provide a safe experience. They make tradeoffs for that. Limited linking. No styles. Character limits… Think of them as Disney-like experiences."

-Dave Weiner

Picard face-palm

“The medium is the message” *

* Sigh…that old thing again. But it’s kinda true.

Maybe a bit harsh.

These tools are incredibly useful, but the point isn’t to replace them. It’s to enable new types of creativity that can travel within and outside of them.

The trick, is to not get stuck in the past.

Bob Ross painting with the caption 'If you didn't have baby clouds, you wouldn't have big clouds.''

“Heralding 1999 as a golden age for the web is unbearably elitist. 250m people were online in total; mostly white and wealthy. 3.5bn today.

- Ben Werdmuller

To work for everyone, today’s web must be…

A small pixelated cat chases a tiny butterfly and never catches it.





A tiny app courtesy of Tara Vancil.

forward thinking

and above all…


It’s time to begin enabling pathways to a stronger, and more open future for everyone on the web.

The next step…
is up to all of us.

“Whether the internet is an open space or a closed space, I am not going to predict. It is up to us. It all depends on what we do now. All the decisions we make now.”

— Tim Berners Lee